You Betcha She Did! Business Tips for Women Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Coaches and Speakers

91 | Tips for Introverts Looking to Network, Enjoy Nature and Travel

May 21, 2024 Ladies First Digital Media Company Season 5 Episode 91

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Calling all Introverts! Unlock the hidden strengths of introversion and transform them into networking gold with Paula Pecore. She’s the go-to guru for introverts looking to master social engagements effortlessly. Paula gets the unique hurdles introverts face in extroverted settings and provides the tools you need—like effective icebreakers and the power of quiet observation. 

But Paula's expertise doesn’t stop at networking. She’s also the founder of A is for Adventure, a travel club designed just for introverts. Discover the magic of a three to four-day trip that’s perfect for adventure without the burnout. From mother-daughter retreats to glamping trips, Paula crafts experiences that blend the thrill of the outdoors with the comfort introverts crave. Ready to travel with like-minded souls who truly get you? This episode is your ticket to a world where you can explore with understanding and care.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to another episode of you Betcha she Did, the podcast where we teach you to elevate your voice, grow your brand and earn your worth. I am your host, reena Rokicki. Today I'm really excited because we have Paula Picor in the studio and we today are talking about how to network as an introvert and also her really amazing travel club for introverts. So if you're a travel nerd like myself, you're really going to want to listen up to this episode. Did she really do that? You, betcha? She did.

Speaker 2:

Paula, welcome to the show. Thank you, I'm so happy to be here.

Speaker 1:

I classify myself as an introvert. I'm not full introvert. I'm definitely not a full extrovert. My husband is crazy extroverted, so anybody who knows him knows that I definitely love my alone time and my recharge time. And as an introvert who's an entrepreneur, it is really challenging to network, and that's one of the first topics we're going to dive into today. So I know you're an introvert, so what advice would you give to introverts who struggle with networking? What are some like tips and tricks that can help out in that area?

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, if you're attending like a networking event, I think one of the biggest things to do is kind of do your homework. If you can, you know, research some icebreaker topics, maybe have some ideas of current events or things going on in the particular industry that you're networking within. I think that's helpful, being prepared to be able to step into any conversation at any time. I like that.

Speaker 1:

Those are good, just kind of like prep yourself beforehand. It takes some of the stress out of that situation. What do you think are some strengths that introverts bring to networking?

Speaker 2:

I think some of the biggest strengths are your ability to listen and observe. Sometimes I feel like I hear things that other people aren't hearing, and maybe I hear things that aren't even being said Because I am not so busy talking. I'm back kind of sitting there and listening to kind of the dynamics and what's going on.

Speaker 1:

That really is a power of introverts right To listen, absorb the whole situation, notice what's going on. I feel like that's one of the reasons why introverts right To like listen, absorb the whole situation, notice what's going on. I feel like that's one of the reasons why introverts make such great problem solvers, because it's not so much about yourself. It's really kind of absorbing. What is that other person doing and how can I help them out, because I'm diving into everything.

Speaker 2:

Definitely yeah, you just see so much and observe it and see it from another perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's. I can't imagine a situation where that would not be helpful. Right, I mean that's going to help everybody out. Do you have any personal rituals or mental strategies you use when you're trying to network?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, you know, for me it's preparing in advance, it's, you know, dressing, wear your favorite outfit so that you, you know you have confidence behind you, so you're not, you know, you're not worried about fidgeting with something, right? You know, sometimes you wear a certain shirt and the sleeve always falls down, so you fidget with it. You know, just making sure that you're well put together, you're well prepared, Take breaks. I mean, if you need a break, just you know, step outside. I think for me that's when I kind of get to my overload. You know I can, I'll walk outside. For me, being connected in nature helps me sort of refuel. It fills up my batteries, and sometimes I'll call my husband. My husband's 100% extrovert, sounds like he's a lot like your husband, exactly, and he can, you know, help me fill my batteries back up.

Speaker 1:

I like that. Yeah, so know what recharges you and don't be afraid to take those breaks, because that is super helpful. Yeah, I mean phone a friend, right Exactly. Well, I really want to dive into your. A is for Adventure Travel Club for Introverts. Let's just start at the beginning, Like where did this idea come from?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So A is for Adventure is sort of my way to cure loneliness. Becoming an empty nester was a big transition for me and I found myself sort of bored. You know, both my kids had been very active in a lot of things and it was go, go, go. And I didn't really have a lot of time to myself. And you know, all of a sudden I have tons of time and talking with other women you know women primarily.

Speaker 2:

It tends to be introverts who maybe are a little lonely. I guess when I think of people, a girl's night out, I sort of cringe at that. Like you know, I see people on social media and I'm kind of jealous. I'm like gosh, they look like they had so much fun. But when I really think about it, that wouldn't be fun for me, like a night out and all that activity.

Speaker 2:

For me, you know, a perfect girls night out is. You know, maybe you catch dinner and you eat kind of fast because you want to go see the sunset, or maybe you meet a friend early in the morning for sunrise and then you guys go and get coffee and you talk, and maybe it's only one or two other people. I feel like introverts can get lost in a crowd. They crave more of those intimate conversations and I feel like there's a lot of retreats or events or things out there, but they're busy. It's like you go, go, go, go go, and you know you as an introvert, that can be very exhausting. So I wanted to put together kind of a group of women who you know can travel, experience nature and do it with time you know, have time built in there where they can recharge and re-energize themselves.

Speaker 1:

I love what you were saying about just the realities that hit after your children grow up and you know, if you don't have kids, this might be a situation you have right now too. As an introvert, I know my kids are still fairly young. They're in elementary school, so my life's really busy. But when they're not around, I don't have. I just don't have a lot of time now, but I can imagine when I have that big block of time I'm going to be like wait, what am I going to do with this and what? What do I want to do? And I I definitely see your point about. Yeah, I don't want to go to like busy social things, but I love the one-on-one easy connection you can have with like a close friend or a couple of close friends. This sounds great. So what kind of activities or setups do you have in mind that would help satisfy introverts but also kind of getting in that adventure maybe nature need?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we actually have our first retreat is coming up, so we're still kind of planning that agenda. But I envision things like, you know waking up, having a nice healthy breakfast, doing a nature hike. Maybe we ride bicycle or go kayaking, maybe paddle boarding, things like that, that sort of get you out in nature. They're not, as you know, you're not filled with tons of conversations, but you're experiencing beautiful things together in nature. Maybe some downtime in the afternoon where you can cozy up at the house with a book or, you know, go for a quiet walk by yourself. Maybe you're a podcast listener so you can, you know, go for a walk and listen to a podcast. But just having some time like that to recharge, and then maybe the evening we're kind of gathered around a campfire and talk about the day, probably need some conversation stimulators. But I think you know, in a small, intimate setting, you know there'll be a lot of opportunity for deeper conversation.

Speaker 1:

Where is your first trip planned? Can you tell us more about it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we do have the location is booked. We're going to be at a house outside of Galena, illinois, so it's my first time traveling there as well, so I'm super excited. I've, you know, I found some pretty waterfalls and I know there's horseback riding very close by, so I think we'll probably be doing that Maybe a spa day in there very close by. So I think we'll probably be doing that maybe a spa day in there. You know, I've never been to that specific area, but I've heard it's very beautiful along the Mississippi River so I'm super excited for it. You know, fairly short, so our introverts don't get too burnt out, but I mean, I speak for myself. I'm like, oh, I'm going to be entertaining at this and this is my. You know, this is one of my obstacles to overcome.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I think it'll be a ton of fun and I'm really looking forward to it. Yeah, I love that. I feel like three days, three to four days, is the perfect amount of time. Before the interview I was telling Paula about, I had just come back from this really epic trip to Iceland with my sister-in-law and we it was both on our buckets list. We wanted to go and, um, what's nice is we had similar energy levels, which was fantastic, and we we both love nature. We went when we'd, but definitely at the end of the four days I was like, okay, I'm ready to be alone. Now I need to, I need to not talk to anybody and I just want to think and just get back in the groove. Because as much as I love connecting with people, yeah, there just comes a point where you're like, ok, I'm good. So that three to four days is really a nice, nice sweet spot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, definitely, I always. You know my husband, he, like I said before, he's a super extroverted person, like he loves to be around people. And you know, sometimes he plans like let's do something tonight, and then tomorrow Nadia wants to do something else, and then he wants to go somewhere else. And I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa time out Two days in a row if we're going to go somewhere. I need a little bit of a rest in there.

Speaker 1:

I know I totally get it. I'm always like I need one weekend night where I'm not doing anything. We're like I just want to have the option to read a book or to whatever to organize to go for a walk, I don't care, I just don't want to have it packed because it's like, ah, it makes me feel a little crazy. Yeah, I hear that.

Speaker 1:

What are you doing to market to introverted women? I mean, obviously you're here on the podcast, which is fantastic, and so introverts tell your friends, let people know. But um, how that's you know? I'm like, how do you go about finding the introverted women to join your club and to connect with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, honestly, I think I have a lot of connections already with um some. You know quite a few different introverted women that I think, um, this will really resonate with them as well, as I think they'll share the content. I am on Facebook. I'm also on Instagram. This first trip will be with my daughter, so my daughter Haley is kind of part of A is for Adventure. She helped me create the logo, so I'm hoping that maybe some other mothers will bring their daughters or, you know, sisters will come. I think it'll be a fun adventure and, you know, here, coming up on Mother's Day, maybe, you know, I can spark some more interest of mothers and daughters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I love that idea of like taking a trip with my daughter. I was like that'd be so cool. Do you have any dream places in the future like you'd love to take a trip to? I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I definitely one of the dream trips for A is for Adventure is going to be like a guided backpacking trip, Not super long Again, something maybe like three to four days. I envision it maybe Yosemite backcountry. You know campfires, some beautiful views, you know quiet in nature.

Speaker 1:

Very cool. That'd be neat too, because I feel like there's not tons of outlets for women to do, yeah, adventurous and beautiful nature things, like you said, where I don't know I find out. It's either like you're in your 20s and you're staying at hostels and I was like I don't want to do that anymore. I'm in my 40s, right. I was like nope, I was like I want my own room, I want neat things, I want good food.

Speaker 2:

Yes, glamping like a glamping at a really cool place along a river, I think would be a ton of fun. I'm actually going to be visiting Asheville, North Carolina, shortly. I used to live in North Carolina and it's such a beautiful area. So there's, I think it's called Blue Ridge Hiking Company and it's a group of women and they do lead hikes as well. So something like that could be in the future and maybe we just do day hikes so we can still stay in our posh hotel or, you know, a nice Airbnb.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Yeah, have a nice bed at night, but like enjoy a little nature time for most of the day. I love that. That's a good balance for me. Well, how do people? I know you said you're on Instagram and Facebook. Is there any other way people should contact you? I will have everything linked in the show notes as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my any other way people should contact you. I will have everything linked in the show notes as well. Yeah, my website is in the process of being developed.

Speaker 1:

I anticipate kind of releasing it probably in the next two to three weeks. Okay, oh, great, that's awesome. So, yeah, look for that in the show notes, guys, and then you can get in touch with Paula, because, as you're thinking about summer or maybe even the fall, it's always great, I feel like, personally, it's always great to have a trip planned in the future, something that you're looking forward to, and I also think it's really important to do something just for yourself. I think women very often are giving forever to everybody else, which is a noble trait, but you can't care for others unless you take care of yourself too. So, you know, maybe this could be a goal of yours to do to go with some good girlfriends or meet some new good girlfriends and just enjoy this beautiful world out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, also, if you, you know, if you have a college age daughter and you wanted a little getaway before she heads back to school, that's what my daughter Haley and I she's. She's coming and start school the following Monday, so you know it'll be a whirlwind for her, but you know it's a good time for us to connect and you know she's also very introverted, so you know it'll be nice to her for her to maybe meet some some you know other people her age.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that you should make that an annual thing. I mean, that could really be something that would pick up right Like annual mother daughter connection before going back to school or jobs or whatever it is that where life might take them right, perfect way to kind of end up the summer.

Speaker 1:

It is, and the summer always goes too fast. You know, I feel like you want to soak it up and slow it down and and this is a perfect way to be intentional with it. Well, everybody, like I said, check the show notes. I'll have Paula's information all linked in there and I hope that this episode sparked some ideas for you just to think about, like I said, craving out some time for yourself, especially if you're an introvert. Again, if you know someone who's an introvert could be yourself, could be someone else please share this episode. You know they need it. You know they're going to want this inspiration. As always, if you like what you're hearing on you Betcha, she Did. Don't forget to leave us a positive review. This is the best way for new listeners to find the show and until next time, take care.